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BitePRO® Bite Resistant Clothing

Written by: Robert Kaiser

BitePRO® Bite Resistant Clothing

BitePRO® UK and BitePRO® USA Inc. are manufacturers and suppliers of highly acclaimed bite resistant clothing, preventing human teeth from penetrating the wearers skin. This is to prevent injuries, infections and subsequent trauma.

Our products can be shipped worldwide.

Effectively reducing the risk of cut, scratch, and bite injuries, our jackets and arm guards are being worn by an array of professionals coming from i.e. the security, healthcare or educational sector. We believe anyone working with individuals displaying aggressive or challenging behaviour can benefit from this type of protective clothing.

Bite Resistant Clothing

Our range of bite resistant clothing includes bite resistant jackets featuring a thumbhole which gives improved fit and added protection to the back of the hand and palm when the thumbhole is used. They offer excellent and most importantly dependable protection for the entire upper body, entire arms, and the neck region. They can comfortably be worn on top of any shirt, blouse, or jumper, and put on or taken off within seconds.

Our bite resistant arm guards version 3 is our most popular product.

Bite Resistant Clothing: Features & Benefits


In 2022 BitePRO® conducted an international survey to help us and others better understand challenging behaviour injuries. We connected with professionals around the world, who have first-hand experience of this behaviour to get their insight. We learned to understand that countless of healthcare workers and education professionals are being bitten, scratched, and pinched frequently. However, being assaulted, being bitten , scratched or pinched is not ‘just part of the job. Such injuries can be prevented.

Get your copy of the Survey Report 2022 here or click on the following image:

BitePRO Bite Resistant Clothing Survey Report

Please feel free to contact us for further information.



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