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SlashPRO® Cut & Slash Resistant UBAC Shirts

Written by: Colin Mackinnon

PPSS Group are globally recognised for their technologically advanced carbon-fibre stab vests offering incredible certified protection against blunt force (impact), knives, needles and spiked weapons.

Our stab vests are designed to protect vital organs and predominantly the torso of the wearer but due to the typical design of all PPE vests, other important areas of the body i.e. arms, hands, armpit, and neck can be left exposed. During an assault in which bladed, sharp or spiked weapons are used, this can lead to defensive wounds or targeted wounds in those areas.

A defensive wound or self-defence wound is an injury received by the victim of an attack, while trying to defend against the assailant. Defensive wounds are often found on the hands and forearms, where the victim has raised them to protect the head and face or to fend off an assault. These wounds often include severed nerves, ligaments, tendons, muscle, and arteries. The latter can lead to rapid blood loss and death. Such injuries can be prevented by slash resistant shirts or similar type of protective clothing.

You can read more about slashing injuries by reading our CEO’s article, titled: Re-Evaluating our Understanding of Knife Attacks and Subsequent Injuries.

In the last five years of working with PPSS Group I have attended thousands of meetings and had the pleasure of meeting front line and security professionals across many industries. It is always great to receive feedback and professional opinions which can prove effective in the development of new or improved products. Some professionals work within particularly high-risk environments, and we have discussed the risks associated with defensive or targeted wounds outside of the protection offered by a stab resistant vest, and in particular injuries to the arms and hands.

Home Office statistics state that 63% of knife attacks are in fact slashing attacks, where injury could have been prevented through slash resistant clothing. As a former Police officer who has personally been attacked by a knife, I can testify that slashing attacks can take a matter of seconds.

To provide protection to these exposed areas, PPSS Group developed slash resistant UBAC Shirts (Under Body Armour Combat), designed to complement body armour, and cover the arms, armpit, and neckline. When worn with our additional slash and needle resistant gloves, the exposed areas are fully covered, adding to the security of the wearer.

Our UBAC shirts and our gloves are made from our revolutionary cut, slash, and bite resistant fabric Cut-Tex® PRO, a high-performance technical fabric of truly exceptional strength and durability.


Providing protection to the highest-level professionals such as the UK National Crime Agency,our protective clothing can be viewed on our website. Please visit our SlashPRO Online Shop

If you would like to learn more, please contact us and/or book a meeting. I am more than happy to visit you and your facility/office, so we can discuss the most appropriate type of PPE for you.

Colin Mackinnon, Technical Director (LinkedIn)

PPSS Group

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