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Ensuring Safety for Prison Officers in a Violent Environment

I have a few friends who have worked in and around prisons over the past many years. Over quiet drinks, I have listened to them lay out their experiences, absorbing their shocking accounts of assaults, violence, and daily risks. It is truly appalling how many officers have been injured, slashed, stabbed, beaten, or spat at. … Continued

Critical Advancement in Knife and Spike Protection

PPSS Group highly anticipated stab vests benefit from latest technology and highlight knife and spike protection advancement. According to their CEO Robert Kaiser, the decision in 2019 was based on the company’s comprehensive understanding of the most realistic operational risks and threats, faced by today’s private security professionals, The firm’s product video, featuring him being … Continued

PPSS Stab Vests Live Demos At Major Healthcare Security Conference

PPSS Stab Vests will once again be available to trial and test at the NAHS Annual Conference & Awards. This year’s event will take place from 2 – 3 November 2022 at the University of Birmingham. Healthcare and hospital security professionals from all over the country will once again be able to listen to a … Continued

Body Armour Survey Reveals Security Industry’s Knowledge Shortcoming

British firm PPSS Group published its whitepaper of its international body armour survey today. 729 security professionals from countries around the world completed the survey, which was conducted between 01 February and 31 March 2022.  57% of participants were UK based. DOWNLOAD HERE (or click on image) According to the company’s CEO Robert Kaiser, it … Continued

SlashPRO® Slash Resistant Clothing – Effective Protection From Edged Weapon

SlashPRO® Slash Resistant Clothing PPSS Group’s flag ship brand SlashPRO® Slash Resistant Clothing focus is to help effectively protect homeland security professionals (law enforcement, police, prison, border force, customs, immigration) and private security officers from edged weapon. Poverty and social exclusion, religious and political extremism, drugs, social media as well as serious mental illnesses have … Continued

BitePRO® Survey Confirms Many Professionals At Risk Of Being Bitten

The result of an international web-based survey, conducted by British bite resistant clothing manufacturer BitePRO, is highlighting the risk of human bites injuries in the workplace. One hundred and seventy individuals from nine countries completed the survey, representing sectors, such as mental health care, special educational needs schools and nursing care. The objective of the study … Continued

PPSS Group – Entscheidender Fortschritt beim Stichschutz

Auf der Grundlage eines umfassenden Verständnisses der realistischsten Bedrohungen, denen sich Fachleute des Heimatschutzes und der privaten Sicherheitsdienste heute gegenübersehen, hat die PPSS Group heute einen offiziellen Ersatz für ihre hochgelobte Stichschutz Westen auf Polycarbonatbasis angekündigt. Das Produktvideo des Unternehmens, das zeigt, wie der CEO Robert Kaiser, der die Stichschutzweste trägt, mit Messer, Baseball-Schläger oder Stahlrohr … Continued

Groupe PPSS : Progrès décisifs en matière de protection contre les couteaux

Sur la base d’une compréhension globale des menaces les plus réalistes auxquelles sont confrontés aujourd’hui les professionnels de la sécurité intérieure et privée, le groupe PPSS a annoncé aujourd’hui le remplacement officiel de son très prisé gilet pare-balles résistant aux coups de couteau à base de polycarbonate. La vidéo du produit de l’entreprise, qui montre … Continued

PPSS Group : New International Distributors Wanted

UK headquartered PPSS Group announced today it is seeking distribution partners for its high performance stab resistant vests and its highly acclaimed SlashPRO® Slash Resistant Clothing brand. PPSS Group is already successfully supplying homeland and private security agencies, and saving valuable lives in over 40 countries around the world. Robert Kaiser, the firm’s Founder & CEO said: “We … Continued

CEO Questions Lack Of Needle Protection In Mainstream Body Armour

PPSS Group’s CEO Robert Kaiser was pointing out the biggest single key ‘misunderstanding’ or ‘misperception’ is that all body armour offer reliable levels of needle protection. Many security managers and others who had chosen to purchase and issue body armour that came with ‘spike protection’ were completely convinced their new PPE would also protect his … Continued

Slash Resistant Clothing Can Help Improve The Safety of Prison And Correctional Officers

PPSS Group’s CEO Robert Kaiser has once again highlighted his firm’s key objective to further improve the personal safety of prison and correctional officers, and cut resistant clothing must play a part he says. Strongly believing that thoroughly field tested cut resistant clothing can make a significant difference to the security and well being of … Continued

Slash Resistant Neck Protectors by SlashPRO®

SlashPRO® Slash Resistant Neck Protectors have now been launched to offer reliable, certified and field-tested cut protection to public facing professionals around the world. We must understand that the side of the neck and throat contains the Jugular Vein and the Carotid Artery, and if any of those two is cut the attacked person will … Continued